How much personal time will it take?
You are responsible for learning our repertoire. Using sheet music and our audio files which you can download from this site, how much time it takes for you to know the notes and words is up to you. There also are choreography videos available for the few songs that have choreo. We expect you to come prepared to "sing and dance " with the chorus at our initial rehearsal together the first day of our tour.
What is the cost?
Our tours vary in price depending on where in the world we are going and how long we will be staying. The cost of our trips usually include breakfast, some dinners, and a few sightseeing excursions. You may be "on your own" for a couple of meals or fees for additional local attractions. Any additional costs are usually known in advance.
The "land only" cost will be announced along with the location of our next adventure. You will be responsible for getting from where you live to the departure airport and back. On most tours, a few travelers leave and arrive from the same airport hub and then return to our individual homes from there.
In some cases, an optional extension is available. Not everyone stays the extra three or four days for the tour extension. It is not part of the original tour and there is an added cost. Some of us take advantage of the extension to be able to see more of the country we are visiting. It is usually non-singing, but as with most Sweet Adelines, if the opportunity arises and we have four parts, we just may "break into song."
Where do we stay?
We usually book upper-level hotels which have a lot of the amenities you are used to. You will be given the names and addresses of these hotels before we leave on our tour.
What is the audition procedure?
There is no audition procedure for Harmony Travel Chorus. All of us are current or former members of our own individual choruses, so we know you can sing.
Do I have to be a great singer?
Aren't we all great singers?
How do I learn the songs?
Sheet music and vocal learning tracks are available on our web site. Choreo videos are also available there.
On-Tour Rehearsal
Our first-day on-tour will be a half day rehearsal at the hotel. This will be our time to solidify our sound, make note or word corrections, and refine our choreography. Sectionals may be held if necessary. You should be "off paper" for this rehearsal. This is not the time to ask a myriad of questions. The Musical Director is in charge and will refine our music and choreo at her discretion.